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London Breed's Q&A and Walk Summary

Q1: As Mayor, on day 1, do you support the full revitalization of Sunset Blvd (i.e. maintenance of green spaces and gray water installation) to bring the Boulevard’s condition on par with Park Presidio Blvd. (in the Richmond district)?

Throughout my time as Mayor, I have supported the City’s Sunset Boulevard Master Plan which is putting forward resources and making improvements to enhance the iconic greenway. This includes restoring irrigation, improving the plant canopy, removing hazardous trees, planting wildflower areas, and upgrading recreational areas. In 2021, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission finished landscape improvements spanning nearly two-miles along Sunset Boulevard that reduce stormwater entering the sewer system by replacing soil and planting new gardens, featuring drought tolerant plants. This included 30 new rain gardens to reduce the amount of runoff entering the sewer system. Collectively, the rain gardens cover nearly 30,000 square feet along the thoroughfare. Additional improvements include the installation and the creation of learning space for local schools to enjoy the community gardens and experience green infrastructure firsthand. In 2023, the City started a pavement renovation project that covers large parts of the Sunset District, specifically Sunset Boulevard. The work has started, with the initial focus on bus stops, curb ramps, sidewalks, and intersections throughout the corridor. Paving streets is the next phase with work slated to begin next month near Sunset and Taraval. Beginning two years ago, I committed to and funded three dedicated gardeners to support Sunset Boulevard. The recently signed budget continues this funding and the commitment to the landscape needs along Sunset Boulevard. Additionally, through the JobsNOW apprenticeship program we are exploring gardening specific training apprenticeships that would be supervised by existing staff and augment the current dedicated gardeners. Separate, yet beneficial to the vitality of Sunset Boulevard, is the Sunset Boulevard recycled water irrigation capital project design which will be finalized this year. Once the design is completed and approved, the City will begin selecting a third party to contract for the work and then start work in 2025/2026.


Q2: Given the size (almost 1/2 the length of SF at ~2.6 miles long) and importance of Sunset Blvd., would you support it having its own line-item budget versus dollars coming out of the general fund?

No. San Francisco’s budget does not use line-item budget structure due to its size and complexity. In its place, which is standard amongst local governments, are operating budgets and capital budgets.


Q3: Given the report on ABC News reporting on the Grand Jury's findings, would you support a complete audit of DPW?

It is imperative that City business is conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and with the utmost integrity, while prioritizing the needs of our residents and visitors. Nothing is more important than the trust the public has in its government. One of the foundations of this trust is the principle that government business is conducted for the public benefit and that government workers serve the public interest. Since assuming office, I have taken significant steps to ensure transparency, oversight and accountability in the institutions of City government and work closely with my department heads to ensure they and their staff are delivering on projects in a timely and efficient manner, and providing transparency throughout the development and implementation phase of each project. I meet regularly with my department heads and review their priorities and the progress of projects that impact every neighborhood throughout the City.


Q4: Do you support up-zoning 36th and 37th avenue per the housing element?

Earlier this year, I directed my Planning Department to revise its comprehensive rezoning proposal (linked above) to provide a more detailed review regarding density limits on residential and commercial corridors across San Francisco. We must add housing in neighborhoods and along our commercial corridors and transit lines, while bringing new life and vitality to our City, but must do so in a thoughtful and strategic manner. Creating more housing at all income levels is the only way we make San Francisco more affordable for existing residents and future generations.


Q5: Do you support the jurisdictional transfer of Sunset Blvd from DPW to Rec and Park?



Our Walk with London Breed on Sunset Boulevard:​

      On Saturday, October 5th, Friends of Sunset Boulevard (FOSB) and neighbors joined mayoral candidate/Mayor Breed for a walk on Sunset Boulevard to view the current conditions and challenges the Blvd faces.


Initial Reactions from Neighbors:

"I am glad Mayor Breed did a walk with the neighbors and clarified her stance to support a jurisdictional transfer to Rec & Park." ~Anonymous


"While I disagree with Mayor Breed's statement regarding Downtown becoming more fun, I felt she understood our concerns related to Sunset Boulevard and was sincere when she said she will look to find a workable solution for the Boulevard."  ~Anonymous


"It's good that she is working closely with supervisors to improve Sunset Boulevard and has flagged her department heads to begin evaluating permanent improvements." ~Anonymous


Sunset Boulevard concerns and Mayor London Breed's commitments:

  • Neighbors asked Mayor Breed if she would support transferring Sunset Blvd. to Rec and Park given DPW's poor performance. (All land on Sunset Blvd's greenway is managed and owned by DPW today).

  • Mayor Breed stated that current conditions along Sunset Blvd are not sustainable under DPW's management, so she supports a jurisdictional transfer to Rec and Park; however, she needs to understand budget impacts and align with her department heads first.

  • She is waiting on budgets to evaluate costs and implications

  • Mayor Breed has committed to providing neighbors with a timeline once she connects with her department heads

  • Mayor Breed will ask DPW to move faster on the gray water conversion that is due to start construction in 2025 and complete in 2026.

  • Mayor Breed supports the gardener apprenticeship program that will fill the city's pipeline for gardeners

  • Neighbors mentioned that Sunset Blvd. is the gateway into the city for dignitaries visiting, because it is the preferred route to Pac Heights fundraisers. Given San Francisco's tarnished reputation, investing on the Blvd. helps improve our reputation and prove to the world that our city is healing.


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